Saturday, April 18, 2009

Homework for the weekend

1) English - Letter writing

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Secondary One Express & Normal (A) Mid Year Exam Time Table 2009

Please be informed that the mid-year examination will start on 21 Apr (Tue):

21 Apr (Tue) 1500 - 1700 Tamil Language P1
23 Apr (Tue) 1500 - 1630 Tamil Language P2

27 Apr (Mon) 0750 - 0935 English Language P1

4 May (Mon) 1010 - 1210 Chinese / Malay Language P1

5 May (Tue) 0750 - 0930 English Language P2

6 May (Wed) 0750 - 0920 Chinese / Malay Language P2
6 May (Wed) 0940 - 1010 Chinese / Malay Language P3 (Listening Comprehension)

7 May (Thu) 0750 - 0920 English Literature

8 May (Fri) 0750 - 0905 Geography / History

11 May (Mon) 0750 - 0905 Mathematics P1

12 May (Tue) 0750 - 0950 Science

13 May (Wed) 0750 - 0905 Mathematics P2

Class and CCA Photo taking on 16 Apr (Thur)

Please be informed that there will be class and CCA photo taking sessions tomorrow ie. 16 Apr (Thu).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Homework for the weekend and history project work

Homework for the weekend :

English - worksheet on inference skill
Chinese - newspaper article
Literature - Group work on Poetry
Arts - Flower composition

History Group Project :

The students are divided into group of 4. Faith's group consists of Huda, Faith, Clement and Junhao.

The group can select one of the following area of interests for their group work :

1. Advances in Science in ancient India
2. Richness of the Arts in ancient India
3. Advances in Science in ancient China
4. Richness of the Arts in ancient China
5. Advances in Science in ancient Southeast Asia
6. Richness of the Arts in ancient Southeast Asia

In this project, the group will need to :
a. research on a particular area of interest
b. create a physical model (scaled-down) of an achievement in arts of science by the ancient Indian, Chinese or Southeast Asians.
c. present your model using Microsoft PowerPoint

There are four possible roles in each group. All group is to meet Ms Wong by 21 April for an update on the project status. The final presentation will be on the 28 April (Tue) and 30 Apr (Fri) during the History Lesson.

The model and the PowerPoint presentation must be ready for final presentation.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BV 30th Anniversary

Mrs Chee & Mr Soh

I am so happy to meet my favourite teacher, Mrs Chee at BV 30th Anniversary =) She has retired from teaching however providing counselling to Springfield Secondary. In the picture, Mr Soh, ex-principal for 15 years at BV.

Ms Sharifah & Faith at BV 30th

Mdm Teo & Faith at BV 30th