Friday, May 29, 2009

Release of Report Book today

Congratulations to the Top 3 in class :

1st : Clement
2nd : James
3rd : Faith

Well done and keep up with the good work and efforts !

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Enrichment Activities for 1N7 (18 May to 29 May 09)

18 May (Mon) E-learning Day Venue : Home Duration : Whole day

19 May (Tue) Maths - ICT Training (1N7) Com Lab 1 Duration : 0735-0830 hrs

25 May (Mon) NE Awarness Quiz (1N7) 0830 - 0925 hrs
Singapore History Museum 1500-1830 hrs

26 May (Tue) Maths - ICT Training (1N7) Com Lab 1 Duration : 0735 - 830 hrs

Enrichment Activities 18 May - 29 May

Dear All,

The mid-year examination for Secondary 1 to 3 students will officially end on Friday, 15 May 2009.

Please be informed that:

1)School will resume as per normal timetable from Tuesday, 19 May toThursday, 28 May.

2)Monday, 18 May, is an E-Learning Day for all Secondary 1 to 3 students. (Ref: 201/09)

3)Friday, 29 May, is Meet the Parents Day for all Secondary 1 to 5 students.

4)A schedule of enrichment activities from 18 to 29 May is attached for your reference.

5)The Secondary 2 CIP activity:
Distribution of Flyer for Newspaper Collection has been brought forward from Friday, 22
May, to Thursday, 21 May. There will be no change to the Timing and Venue.

Please contact Ms Ong Lay Kheng at 64430563 Ext 034 for any clarification.

A notification letter (Ref 202/09), together with the schedule of enrichment activities have been issued to the students this morning.

A copy of the letter and schedule has been uploaded in the folder 'Mid Year Post-Examination 2009' for your reference.

Thank you & Regards,

Mrs Lena Tiu

Friday, May 8, 2009

E-learning Day on 18 May

Dear Parents

The E-Learning Day will be held on the 18 May for the Sec 1, 2 and 3 students.

On this day, the students will stay at home and do online learning assign to them via their respective subject teachers. Your child will receive instructions from them.

The elearning will be despatched via Litespeed.With recent happenings of the H1N1 virus etc. it is important that our students are ready and familiar with online learning.

Thank you for your support.

Thanks and regards
Zulkifli Ahmad
Bedok View Sec

Monday, May 4, 2009

Format for English Language Paper 2

Section A: Grammar and Usage
- Correction of Errors
- Preposition
- Modified Cloze Passage

Section B: Comprehension
- 2 passages
- consists of direct, inference and 'in your own words' questions

1N7 students can practise further using the 'Mastering EL' supplementary workbook

Format and Topics for History

Section A/Part I - Multiple Choice Questions (25%)
Section A/Part II - Short Answer Questions (14%)
Section B/Part I - Chronology/Sequencing (10%)
Section B/Part II - Source-Based Questions (15%)
Section B/Part III - Structured Questions (36%)

Topics covered
Chapters 1 - 5 & 9-10

Past year papers will be given to students for revision tomorrow or on Wednesday.

Faith's Brithday Celebration at Downtown East