Sunday, August 30, 2009

Homework for the weekend

Science : Chapter 7 : Solutions and Suspensions Worksheet 7-1
Chinese : Worksheet
CME : Worksheet

Didn't Do It!

A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, "Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do. "

The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"

The little girl replied, "My homework."

Secondary One Express & NA End of Year Examinations Timetable

28 Sep (Mon) 0750 - 0935 hrs English P1
28 Sep (Mon) 1030 - 1230 hrs Chinese P1 / Malay P1
28 Sep (Mon) 1500 - 1700 hrs Tamil P1

29 Sep (Tue) 0750 onwards Oral (Mother Tongue)
29 Sep (Tue) 1500 - 1630 hrs Tamil P2

30 Sep (Wed) 0750 onwards Oral (English Language)

01 Oct (Thu) 0750 - 0935 hrs Geography

2 Oct (Fri) 0750 - 0935 hrs English P2
2 Oct (Fri) 1030 - 1200 hrs Chinese P2 / Malay P2

5 Oct (Mon) 0750 - 0920 hrs English Literature

6 Oct (Tue) 0750 - 0905 hrs Mathematics P1

07 Oct (Wed) 0750 - 0950 hrs Science

08 Oct (Thu) 0750 - 0905 hrs Maths P2

09 Oct (Fri) 1E and 1NA students have no exams on this day (need not turn up in school)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Be Yourself Day on 31 Aug

On this day, students are encouraged to hang up their uniforms and come to school dressed to best express their personalities.

Students can join in this great day of creative freedom by simply making a donation of $2. Their contributions will help the school raise funds for the needy students.

Talk by Sharifah on 30 Aug

Kim, Queenie, May, Lee Way, Wen Jing, Pram, Wei Cheng, Gerald, Bee Hong, Sylvia, Bernard, Fiona, Susan, Yvonna, Christina, Irene, Ai Sim, Mitchell, Amajit, Joanne ..

Those are the names I can remember, retain and retrieve from this morning talk "Make Learning Fun" by Parent Volunteer Ms Sharifah Riguan. Everyone in the talk can remember one another through a special memory game. There are more fun that followed, the spaghetti and meatball game, the picture game and quizzes.

Sharifah has made learning so fun and easy. She is as good as any of the external speakers if not better.

We all brought back an important message, "Believe in yourself and dream on". Sharifah is going to try parachuting at the age of 50 with a scarf, Christina is going to be the best golfer in world replacing Tiger Wood and Joanne will try teaching.

Our potential resembles an iceberg, 10% seen and 90% unseen. We have only used 10% of our potential, 90% is still untapped. Believe in yourself and aim high ! You are what you want to be.

Once again, thank you Sharifah for conducting this talk despite the fasting period. We have truly enjoyed ourselves.


Fun with Learning by Sharifah, Parent Volunteer fm 1N7

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Results for CA2

Results for most of the subjects are out and congratulations to all who have done well.

Students who have failed the subject will be taking a re-test on Monday after class.

I would like to congratulate Jun Hao for showing such a big improvement in this CA2. This shows that everyone in the class can do it if you make an effort to do so. Jun Hao has spent about 4 hours every day to revise his schoolwork. The efforts have paid off and this will serve as an encouragement for all students who wishes to do well. You can if you want to !


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Personal Recount Website Project

A Personal recount is writing about your own experiences using rich descriptive language and emotions from a first person point of view. You are to create a website based on at least 4 of these categories and write a personal recount of the times when you first liked the item/place.

All of My Favourite Things

Genre of music/Bands/Artiste
Place of Attraction

Remember the features and purpose of a personal recount, and include them in your essays.

Step 1 : (Week 1)
Decide on your 4 favourite things. Research more on them so as to establish a stronger storyline of events in your personal recount.

Step 2 : (Week 2-3)
Write a personal recount on all 4 of these items, including the following :
(i) What did you feel when you were encountering the item, or what were you undergoing when you heard the song being played ?
(ii) Why does the item/place appeal to you ?
Iiii) Why does the item/place mean so much to you ?

Step 3 : (Week 3)
Link up any websites that you have used to research on your project.

You are not to plagiarize any websites, or copy your friend's work. Anyone caught cheating will be severly dealt with and may get a zero for this assignment.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Parenting Tips on Enjoyable Learning by Ms Sharifah Riguan

Want to learn the secrets to :
- Remember facts in less than half the time it usually takes you ?
- Retain whatever you've learnt for as long as you like ?
- Retrieve information whenever you need it ?

Date : 29 Aug 2009
Tinme : 10am - 11.30am
Venue : BVSS Library

A beautiful art piece

Congratulations ! your CA2 is now over =) Enjoy a walk at the park this weekend.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ICT Training

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that your child is required to attend 4 sesssions of ICT Training on Wed, 2.30-5.30pm. Today is the 2nd lesson.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

The girls were at my house today to do the CME group project today. Big thank you to Afiqah, Aqilah, Nabima for teaching me how to do the photo editing <3 Nice to have the sweet and polite girls at my house =) Pictures taken at Bedok View Library & D&T Room.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Make a tribute to your current or former teachers @

Make a tribute to your current or former teachers @

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Interview with Evian babies

Remember to pause/stop the music player found on the left hand column of this web page to enjoy this video =)

PSG Talk this Sat

10am - 12 noon.

Evian babies

Remember to pause/switch off the music player on the left hand column to enjoy this video =)

CME Group Project

The students are grouped accordingly to their birthday month. Faith's group include Faith, Nabina, Aqila, Ali, Syafi, Neo Chen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Topics to study for CT2

Chapter 4 - Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 5 - Ratio, Rate & Speed
Chapter 6 - Basic Geometry

Chapter 5 - Elements, Compounds & Mixtures
Chapter 6 - Separation of Mixtures
Chapter 7 - Solutions and Suspensions

Chapter 6- An Afternoon of Disruption
Chapter 7 - The Dead Rat
Chapter 8 - Don't keep Anger
Chapter 9 - Jin Hwee

Students have already been briefed.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Common Test Dates for 1NA

17AUG - 0740-0830 - EL
17 AUG - 1105-1155 - GEO

18 AUG - 0740-0830 - MT CL/ML
18 AUG - 1105-1155 - ART

19 AUG - 0740 - 0830 - MATH
19 AUG - 1105-1155 - LIT2

20 AUG - 0740-0830 - SC

Lessons as usual in between slots. No CT for Home Econs.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Topics to study for Geography CA2

Geography topics are from :

1. A text Book.
Topics :
a. Overview Of Geography
b. Earth as Part of the Solar System
c. Earth as Home
d. Environment and Natural Resources
e. Life in Contrasting Environment

2. All lesson slides are available at Litespeed LMS for downloading from the workbin.

3. There will also be a Mini Project during the Sep hols entitled - Geography Through Newspapers.

Thanks and regards
Zulkifli Ahmad

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


[extracted from BVSS PGS Yahoo Group]

Dear Parents/guardians,

The following circular was given out to all students. I reproduce it below for your reference.

Dear parents/guardians


Bedok View Secondary will be celebrating our nation's birthday on Friday 7th August. Students will report to school by 7.50 am, and will be dismissed by 9.30 am.

There will be no lessons on the day. To express our collective aspirations as one united people all students are encouraged to wear red T-shirts to school on that day.

The red T-shirts can either be their school or class T-shirt, or any other T-shirt as long as they do not bear offensive or rude messages or images.

Alternatively, students can continue to wear their school uniform to school on Friday. Please be informed that Monday 10th of August is a school holiday. Lessons will resume on Tuesday 11 Aug 2009.

May we take this opportunity to wish everyone `Happy National Day'.

Best regards
Mrs Shobana Cheong
Subject Head (National Education)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blogspot by Mr. Lee, Maths Teacher

Do check out what your Maths teacher has for you =)