Thursday, January 29, 2009


But never say this,

The class visited the nearby block giving mandarin oranges to the residents yesterday =) The students will divided into a group of 5 with 2 girls in each group. Each group are allocated 3 floors.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Special moments with your family

Enjoy special moments and have fun with your family during this holiday season =)

List of approved calculators

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Lovely chinese new year cupcakes isnt it ? Hope the class will enjoy the pizza etc for the class party tomorrow. Happy Lunar New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai to all celebrating this special occassion =)

Sengkang swimming complex

The Sengkang swimming complex is now ready and open to public. Admission fee is $2 for adults & $1 for student and child. It is similiar to Wild Wild Wet with many fun slidesl, jacuzzi and a children splash pool.

Message fm Fathul Rhaman, HOD Student Development

Dear Parents,

Please note that on Friday 23 January, school hours are as per normal i.e. 7.30 to 12.30pm as Friday is not the eve of Chinese New Year.

Lessons will carry on as usual from 7.35 am to 9.25 am. To promote class bonding, some classes will also be having their class party from 9.25 am to 11.00 am.

There will be a Lunar New Year Concert to commemorate the occassion from 11.00am to 12.30pm in the school hall. Please also note that students only need to report back to school on Wednesday 28 January 2009.

I wish all families who celebrate Lunar New Year a happy and prosperous year ahead.

Thanks and regards

Fathul Rahman
HOD Student Development

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Parents crucial in fight against cyber-bullies

History Test tomorrow (21 Jan Wed)

History test tomorrow.

Test topic :
1. An introduction to History
2. Reconstructing the Past

Malay Parent Volunteer required to help conduct Conversational Malay Classes

Message from William Tan

Dear Fellow Parents,

So far we have three Parent Volunteers who have been trained to conduct Conversational Mandarin and Malay classes.

They are: (1) Christina Ng(2) Jane Wu(3) Saidah. We thank these 3 parents for volunteering their time to help our children.

Christina and Jane will be conducting Conversational Mandarin Classes for non-Chinese students, while Saidah will be conducting Conversational Malay Classes for non-Malay students.

The aim of this programme is to help non-Chinese and non-Malays learn Mandarin or Malay respectively. Parent Volunteers usually conduct these classes as they are non-examinable, andthis helps to free up teachers to conduct other lessons. Mdm Koh Meng Geok, HOD Mother Tongue, has asked for another Malay Parent Volunteer to help conduct Conversational Malay Classes as we have only one Malay Parent Volunteer teacher at the moment.

Such volunteers will be sent for training, and paid a small allowance. Forthose who are keen on helping out, please contact Mdm Koh at

Parent Class Reps - Could you help to publicise this information through your Class Network system please?

Warm Regards,William

Monday, January 19, 2009

swimming lesson today

Went to help out at the swimming complex today and two photos taken during the assemble and swimming time =) Gentle reminder to all students - please do not bring your valuables (such as mp3, psp etc) to the swimming lesson.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sec 1 parent volunteers for the swimming programme

Dear parents,

A message from Mrs Lena Tiu :

At this juncture, I would like to appeal to the Sec 1 parents tovolunteer your assistance to our teachers during the course of this Programme.Your responsibilities are to assist the teacher-in-charge for theday in
- taking attendance at 3pm outside Bedok Swimming Complex before thestart of their swimming lessons;
- supervising students during their swimming lessons;
- informing and assisting teacher-in-charge in the event of studentsmisbehaving, accidents or emergency;
- taking attendance and ensuring all students leave the swimmingcomplex by 6pm;- providing feedback with regards to the programme.

Do email me at ong_lena@... or sms me at the school mobile:8221 6343 if you are interested to offer your assistance or for anyclarification.

Thank you.Mrs Lena Tiu


Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Most Dangerous Bridge

Hussaini - Borit Lake, Pakistan

Homework for today (15 Jan) :

1) Maths
2) Literature

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Homework for today (14 Jan)

Homework for today :

History workbook : all activites for chapter 2 - reconstructing the past

Learning outcomes :
describe how historians find out about the past.
tell the difference between primary and secondary sources
describe how historians make sure that their sources are reliable
explain the language historians use when referring to time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Headstart programme for the Sec1N Students

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that the headstart programme for the Sec1N students will start tomorrow ie. 14 Jan (Wed). This series of 2 hr workshop (5 sessions) starts from 2.15pm to 4.15pm and the dates are 14 Jan, 21 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb and 18 Feb.

The objectives of this workshop :

Ability to study with more subjects
Coping with new changes
Building positive relationships
Exercising judgment and decision making
Prioritise plan and review

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Swimming lessons for Sec 1 students

Dear Parents,

Please be reminded that the compulsory swimming lessons will start from this monday ie. 12 Jan.

Below are some information on the swimming lessons :

Mrs Lena Tiu and Mr Osman Bin Abdul Majid are the teachers-in-charge for the Swimming Programme. They will supervise the students during swimming lessons.

The Programme

Classes 1/5 – 1/8 (Every Monday)
Dates : 12 Jan, 19 Jan, 2 Feb, 9 Feb, 16 Feb & 23 Feb
Time : 3.30pm to 5.30pm (6 compulsory lessons)


a) There will be no transport provided to Bedok Swimming complex.
b) Pupils are to assemble outside Bedok Swimming Complex and be met by the teachers-in-charge prior to each swimming lesson. All pupils must report at 3.00pm sharp, in school PE attire.
c) Pupils will be dimissed from the Swimming Complex by 6.00pm.

Items to bring

Each pupil should have the following items for every swimming lesson :
a) Appropriate swimwear
b) Goggles
c) A pair of slippers or sandals
d) Towel
e) A bottle of plain water

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reminders for today :

1) The students are told to bring a black ring file for History tomorrow.

2) Please complete the CCA Option Form and submit to the Form Teacher tomorrow. CCA choices as follow :

Sport & Games
Badminton, Basketball, Netball, Sepak Takraw, Soccer, Ten-Pin Bowling, Track & Field

Uniformed Groups
National Cadet Corps (NCC), National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC), St John Ambulance Brigade (SJAB), Girl Guides

Performing Arts
Angklung, Chinese Dance, Choir, Concert Band, English Drama, Gu Zheng, Malay Dance, Modern Dance

Club & Societies
Info Comm

CCA Timetable posted under Class Activities =)


If I were PM, I would ... (The Wish List)

If I were PM, I would ... (voices from 60 kids between ages of 7 & 14)

Recession hits kids, too - The emotional impact of recession on children

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Submission of Student Profile & Teachers List for Sec1N7

Dear Parents,

Please remind your children to submit the Student Profile to the Form Teacher tomorrow =) I have draw a teachers list for Sec1N7 as indicated in the class timetable. Hope you find it useful.

Today is the 2nd day of CCA Orientation and it is compulsory for the students to attend the 3 days CCA Orientation Program from 2.30 - 6.15pm. Students are required to submit their CCA application via the bedok view portal tomorrow after the 3-days orientation program.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Updates for today - Class timetable, Online registration for CCA & Bedok View on facebook

Dear Parents,

A few updates today =)

The class timetable is distributed to the students today.

The students are also told to register for their CCA using the Bedok View Portal. Faith tried to register online but it seems that her NRIC No. which is also the User ID does not work. Thus, I am checking with Mrs Kwa if the new (Sec 1) students are already registered in the system.

The students are also encouraged to join the Bedok View on facebook and Faith has registered herself there =)

Hope your children enjoy the CCA orientation today and this will continue for the next 2 days =) It seems that many of the class members will be joining the basketball, netball and badminton.

Have a nice evening.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Parents' Talk, dinner & campfire today =)

The Parents' Talk today is so informative and I enjoyed the session by Mrs Jaya Das most =) She is just so humorous and engaging that the audience were all laughing throughout her session.

I am happy to meet with many parents (beckons !) of Sec1N7 during the Parents' Talk & dinner. Diana, Zaleha, Nora, Jennis, Bee Hong, Julie, Noraini, Shur Shiuan, Linda, Sophia, Wey Ming, Peck Suan, Ranga, Fati, Bernard, Sylvia and Sharifah, let us stay in touch and help our teenagers throughout their journey in Bedok View.

Many of us have managed to talk to the two form teachers, Ms Ma Lay Hwa (Mrs Kwa) & Mdm Teo Mei Lee and we know that our children will be in good hands and they will have fun inside the class and not outside the class ! xD

Had a chat with Faith about her experience during the two days camp and she shared some interesting facts about the class. There are 28 boys and 13 girls in the class. Many of them are very tall with the the tallest girl, Divya at 168cm and four other guys who are above 172cm thus they can even touch the tip of the door with their hands !

Many of them have expressed interest in taking up basketball as their CCAs. Ms Ong (basketball teacher), did you hear that ? xD

Friday, January 2, 2009

Secondary One Parents' Talk & Orientation Campfire

The details of the programme are as follows :

Date : 3 Jan (Saturday)
Time : 3.30pm - Registration
4.00pm - Parents' Talk (inclusive of dinner)
7.30pm - Orientation Campfire
10.45pm - End of Camp / Home-sweet-home

Programme for 2-6 Jan

A message from William Tan (extracted from the PSG forum) Do download the programme from http ://

Looking forward to see you all on 3rd Jan !


Hi parents,

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2009!I am sure you would have received an sms from BVSS instructing parents to go to the School's website download the programme for your child when School reopens tomorrow Fri 2 Jan.This is certainly an effective method for the School to keep parents updated.

Warm Regards,William


Bedok View PSG Sec1N7

Hi all,

My name is Joanne and my daughter, Faith is in Sec 1N7. My husband and I graduated from Bedok View Secondary School many many years back and we are happy that our daughter is now in Bedok View =)

My husband and I have a lot of fond memories at Bedok View and I still miss my two favourite teachers, Mrs Chee (Geography) and Mr Peter Lai (English) very much. In fact, I grow to love the Geography subject because I like Mrs Chee a lot. She is just so inspiring and caring. I learnt that Mrs Chee has now retired from teaching during the registration day in mid Dec. I hope I can tell her one day that how much she is loved by all her students especially me !

Mr. Peter Lai always has a serious look on his face but he smiled when I requested him to take a photograph with me during my last year at Bedok View. He has always make our english lessons so interesting with his great sense of humor.

We hope that our daughter and every students enjoy the journey at Bedok View as much as my hubby and I do.

Wishing everyone a Happy 2009 !
