Friday, January 16, 2009

Sec 1 parent volunteers for the swimming programme

Dear parents,

A message from Mrs Lena Tiu :

At this juncture, I would like to appeal to the Sec 1 parents tovolunteer your assistance to our teachers during the course of this Programme.Your responsibilities are to assist the teacher-in-charge for theday in
- taking attendance at 3pm outside Bedok Swimming Complex before thestart of their swimming lessons;
- supervising students during their swimming lessons;
- informing and assisting teacher-in-charge in the event of studentsmisbehaving, accidents or emergency;
- taking attendance and ensuring all students leave the swimmingcomplex by 6pm;- providing feedback with regards to the programme.

Do email me at ong_lena@... or sms me at the school mobile:8221 6343 if you are interested to offer your assistance or for anyclarification.

Thank you.Mrs Lena Tiu


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