Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

*NEW* Class Calendar

Do check out the new Class Calendar and let me know if I have miss out on any important dates. The link is provided under Class Activities found on the left hand side of this homepage. Double click on any of the activity to find out more information.



Monday, July 27, 2009

Class bonding at BVSS Indoor Sports Hall 27 Jul

A tired Jacob

see how gracefully Kenny walks !

Special thanks to Mrs Kua for arranging this badminton session =)

Bonding session - badminton 27 July

Family Life Talk for BVSS Parents - 1 Aug 09 (Sat) 10am - 11.30am

[BVSS-PSG] Parenting Talk on 01 August 2009 - Talking Sex With Your Teen

[extracted from BVSS PSG Yahoo Group]

Hi Parents !

Some of you may not have gotten the flyer on the upcoming Parenting Talk on "Talking Sex With your Teen".

The talk will be held this coming Saturday 01 August 2009, from 10am - 11.30am at the school library. Talking about the birds and the bees (sex) to your children can be quite a challenge for many parents.

In this day and age, where information on sex is available easily on the Internet, children and teenagers may know as much, or even more than their parents.

Unfortunately, much of what they learn from the cyber-world may give them a distorted view of sex.

This makes it urgently important for parents to step in and guide ourchildren towards the right values and behaviour about sexuality.

It's a hard task talking to your child about sex, but YOU have to do it.Pick up useful tips from our speaker on how to handle the hard questions on talking sex with your teen!

If you would like to attend the talk, please send me an email at Please include your name and contact number, as well as your child's class.

If you feel comfortable bringing your child along to attend the talk, please feel free to do so.

Warm regards,

Francyn Tan
SFE Coordinator
Bedok View Secondary School

Sunday, July 26, 2009

the cheerleaders at the Poetry Slam Competition 25 July

Special thanks to Ms Sharifah for the photos.

Poetry Slam Competition 25 July

Congratulations to the team (James, Marcus, Shahul, Prakash) who made it to the 2nd round !

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Science, Maths Re-Test & Geography

Science - Chapter 6 27 July (Mon)

Maths Re-test - Algebra & Ratio 27 July (Mon)

Geography - Book 1 28 July (Tue)

All the best for all teams participating at the poetry slam workshop tomorrow. The class find that Clement, Kenny & Junhao team to be most funny and creative. JY all !

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Total solar eclipse

An aircraft flies pass the sun during a solar eclipse in New Delhi July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places.REUTERS/B Mathur (INDIA SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT SCI TECH TRANSPORT)

The moon passes between the sun and the earth during a total solar eclipse in the northern Indian city of Varanasi July 22, 2009. The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places.REUTERS/Jayanta Shaw

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Formative Assessment for Sec 1 Literature (Term 3)

Presentation involving ICT (Due August)

Your ICT presentations will be due in August. You will work in Groups of 4.

Faith's group : Huimin, Joey, HuiLian, Faith (Chapter 10-Anne)

Your ICT presentations will be due in August. You will work in Groups of 4.

Topic : Characterisation of the following characters

Chapter 9 - Jin Hwee
Chapter 10 - Ravi
Chapter 11 - Swee Ying
Chapter 13 (part 1) - Boon Tat
Chapter 13 (part 2) - Boon Tat
Chapter 13 (part 3) - Boon Tat
Chapter 9 - Anne
Chapter 10 - Anne
Chapter 11 - Anne
Chapter 13 - Anne

Groups have to present :

1. The summary of the Chapter (what the Chapter is about)

2. The characteristics of the character assigned to you. This should be done in the following format :

- Adjective to describe the person (point)
- Line/Quote from the chapter to prove the poiint
- Explain how that line proves your point

Groups will be judged on the following :

Content - 20 marks
Presentation style - 15 marks
Use of IT - 15 marks

To be submitted on a thumbdrive to me. I will download into my laptop.

Submission date : 6 August (late submission of work will be penalised)

Ms Sharifah

Homework Chit

Students are given the homework chit for Week 1 -10.

Homework for 21/7/09 :

Literature project

English homework (summarise)

Maths Test tomorrow 22/7 (Algebra, ratio)

English Competition tomorrow (Selected students only - Clement, James, Faith, Farhan, Timothy, Marcus)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Genefest at Singapore Science Centre on 20 Jul (Monday)

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that students from Sec 1N5, 1N6 & 1N7 will be participating in the Genefest at Singapore Science Centre on Monday 20 Jul 2009. This is a science activity for students to learn about germs, virus & pest through film-show, lab-activity, exhibition/gallery, ecolab etc.

Time : 2pm to 5pm ( bus departs school at 1pm & returns by 6pm). Participants to have lunch before the activity.

Three parents have volunteered to chaperone for this trip, namely Kim, Joanne and Mik. Each parent is to help a teacher to take care of 20 students (half of the class) move from one station to another @ S'pore Science Centre to complete the activity.


Breakfast talk with Principal (15 Jul 09)

I would like to thank Mr. Boo (Principal) and Mdm Teo (Co-Form Teacher of 1N7) for sharing with us on the school’s direction and addressing the concerns that we parents have during the breakfast talk this morning.

The informal discussion has given a good opportunity for parents to network with each other and we appreciate the feedback given by Mdm Teo on what’s happening in our child’s class and our child’s development in school.

I believe that this is the last session of the breakfast talk for the Sec 1 parents and hope that this talk will be continued for the new Sec 1 parents in the coming year.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Maths - 1N7 Important Dates by Mr. K.Y. Lee

Please be informed that your child has to attend the activities listed below. The dates and timings may be subjected to minor changes, and your child will be sufficiently informed in advance.

I am Mr. Lee K.Y. and am contactable at or 64430563 (extension 132). Thank you.

All activities will take place in class.

1. 16 Jul (Thu) Mathematics competition 2.15-3.15pm
Remarks : Only for the selected 8 students

2. 30th Jul (Thu) *Lesson Study 2.15-4.15pm
Remarks : Mathematics teachers will be sitting in to observe the class

3. 6th Aug (Thu) *Project Presentation 2.15-4.15pm
Remarks : 20% of C.A.2
Students are group in 5. Faith's group : Faith, Joey, Huimin, HuiLian, Shawn

4. 12th Aug (Wed) *Project Reflection During lesson
Remarks : 5% of C.A. 2

5. 13th Aug (Thu) *Extra Lesson 1 (2.15 - 3.45pm)

6. 27th Aug (Thu) *Extra Lesson 2 (2.15 - 3.45pm)

7. 7th Sep (Mon) *Extra Lesson 3 (10.30 am - 12 noon)

8. 10th Sep (Thu) *Extra Lesson 4 (10.30 - 12 noon)

* Compulsory - your attendance is part of your continual assessment

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

[BVSS-PSG] Suspension of CCA in Term 3 Week 2

[message extracted from PSG yahoo forum]

Dear Parents,

Kindly take note that the suspension of Co-curricular Activities will continue till next week.

This is in line with MOE's policy to suspend all activites involving mass congregation in view of the H1N1 situation.


Youth Day Holiday on Monday 6 Jul

[message extracted from PSG yahoo forum]

Dear Parents,

Please take note that Monday 6 July is Youth Day. It is a school holiday so students are not required to come to school.However the General Office will still be open for administrative matters.

Thanks and regards