Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Formative Assessment for Sec 1 Literature (Term 3)

Presentation involving ICT (Due August)

Your ICT presentations will be due in August. You will work in Groups of 4.

Faith's group : Huimin, Joey, HuiLian, Faith (Chapter 10-Anne)

Your ICT presentations will be due in August. You will work in Groups of 4.

Topic : Characterisation of the following characters

Chapter 9 - Jin Hwee
Chapter 10 - Ravi
Chapter 11 - Swee Ying
Chapter 13 (part 1) - Boon Tat
Chapter 13 (part 2) - Boon Tat
Chapter 13 (part 3) - Boon Tat
Chapter 9 - Anne
Chapter 10 - Anne
Chapter 11 - Anne
Chapter 13 - Anne

Groups have to present :

1. The summary of the Chapter (what the Chapter is about)

2. The characteristics of the character assigned to you. This should be done in the following format :

- Adjective to describe the person (point)
- Line/Quote from the chapter to prove the poiint
- Explain how that line proves your point

Groups will be judged on the following :

Content - 20 marks
Presentation style - 15 marks
Use of IT - 15 marks

To be submitted on a thumbdrive to me. I will download into my laptop.

Submission date : 6 August (late submission of work will be penalised)

Ms Sharifah

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