Sunday, September 13, 2009

Science Experiment at Home

1.Place the egg in a graduated cylinder or tall glass and cover the egg with vinegar.

2.Look closely at the egg. Do you see any bubbles forming on the shell? Leave the egg in the vinegar for a full 24 hours.

3.It's time to change the vinegar on the second day. Carefully pour the old vinegar down the drain and cover the egg with fresh vinegar. Place the glass with the vinegar and egg in a safe place for a week, that's right, 7 days! Don't disturb the egg but pay close attention to the bubbles forming on the surface of the shell (or what's left).

4.One week later pour off the vinegar and carefully rinse the egg with water. The egg looks translucent because the outside shell is gone! The only thing that remains is the delicate membrane of the egg. You've successfully made an egg without a shell. Okay, you didn't really make the egg-- the chicken made the egg-- you just stripped away the chemical that gives the egg its strength.

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