Saturday, November 7, 2009

BV's Textbook Drive

Dear parents/ guardians,

Hi! BV's Service Learning Club has been collaborating with NTUC to
organise our school's very first BV's Textbook Drive. This is one of
NTUC's most long-standing community projects and it is implemented every
year. As we all know, obtaining textbooks can be difficult and
expensive, hence, this drive serves to be worthwhile.

This evergreen project has three main objectives:

1. To help students obtain books easily

2. To protect the environment

3. To encourage our students to spend money wisely

This is how the Service Learning Club students have organised this




26/10/09- 30/10/09



Sec 1 to 2 students to bring their used textbooks to school for
"Donate Your Used Textbooks" scheme

Collection Centre for Sec 1-2 textbooks:

(Student Lounge Room)

16/11/09-18/ 11/09 (Mon- Wed)

9am- 1pm

Sec 4E/5N students to bring their used textbooks to school for
"Donate Your Used Textbooks" scheme after their 'O' Levels.

Collection Centre for Sec 4/5 textbooks:

(Student Lounge Room)

A lot of books have already been collected from the 26th-30th Oct. We
would like to invite you to donate your textbooks/ workbooks during the
second collection period stated above; 16th-18th Nov. Your donation
will help the project in a big way and eventually will benefit many
people and alleviate difficulties they may be facing.

Besides donating, if you wish to pick up some of the books for your
child, please bring along your booklist and the Service Learning Club
members will assist you in obtaining the books, many of which are in
very good condition.

We hope BV's Textbook Drive will continue to raise awareness amongst our
students to care for other individuals as well as the environment. We
seek your support and participation in BV's Textbook Drive.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact the Service
Learning Club teachers (Ms. Deepa/ Ms. Bao Ya) at 64430563.

Your Sincerely,

Ms. Deepa & Ms. Bao Ya

On behalf of Service Learning Club (Bedok View Sec)

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