Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sec One Mathematics Scavenger Hunt on 17 March (Tue)

Letters to Parents/Guardians (from Mr. Goh Meng Koon HOD/Math)

1. Please be informed that for the benefit of your child/ward, the school will be conducting the above activity on 17 March 2009 for Secondary One Normal Academic Course pupils from 8.30am to 12.30pm. All pupils are to be in PE attire. Attendance is compulsory.

2. The programme is as follows :

0830 to 0845 Assemble in the AVA Auditorium
0845 to 0915 Briefing by teacher-in-charge
0915 tot 0930 Distribution of light refreshment
0930 to 1130 Scavenger Hunt
1130 to 1200 Assemble in the AVA Auditorium : Scavenger Hunt Debrief
1200 to 1220 Evaluation and Prize-Giving Ceremony
1230 Dismissal

3. The objectives of the Scavenger Hunt are as follows :

- To arouse pupils' interest in Mathematics
- To provide opportunities for pupils to experience that Mathematics is ALL around us
- To enhance pupils' problem-solving skills
- To reinforce classroom teaching
- To promote group work among pupils

4. If you need more information, please contact Mr. Goh Meng Koon, HOD/Maths Tel : 6443 0563 ext 115

Literature Class Test and Common Test 1 tomorrow

The students were given a project work for CME today and the class are divided into a group of 5 (ie. Divya, Faith, Huda, Stanley & Patrick). Faith told me that they are supposed to make a salad ? (not sure about it ;p)

Please note that the class will be having their common test 1 tomorrow. They will also be having their class test for literature.

A Re-cap of the common test 1 for tomorrow :

The duration of all papers is 50 mins.

There will be 2 papers each day. First paper starts 7.40 am till 8.30 am.

Normal lessons resume until 11.00 am. Students sit for second paper at 11.05 am.

1) English (0740-0830 am) Go to Room C3-02

2) History (1105 - 1155 am) Go to Room C3-02

Topics for CT1 includes:
1) Chapter 1 - An introduction to History
2) Chapter 2 - Reconstructing the Past
3) Chapter 3 - Birth of Civilisations
4) Chapter 4 & 5 - only the sections on government and society of ancient India (pp. 50-53 & 66-69)

Format of paper is as follows:
Section A - MCQs
Section B - Questions with one sentence answers
Section C - Sequencing/Chronology
Section D - Source-based question

Transparent fish head from National Geographic

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

President’s Award For Teachers (PAT) 2009

The President’s Award for Teachers gives national recognition to the critical role teachers play in moulding the future of our nation. It pays tribute to excellent teachers who, through word and deed, inspire both their students and peers.

You may have come across a particular teacher whom you know has consistently shown exceptional dedication to his or her role and if you feel that that dedication should not go unnoticed, you may wish to nominate this teacher for the award.

The closing date for The President’s Award for Teachers 2009 nomination is Friday 27 February 2009 and you may download the form from

Monday, February 23, 2009

Revision Paper for Common Test 1

Today homework :

Revision paper for CT1 (Chapter 1 Numbers, Factors, Multiples)

Teochew graveyard's buried treasures

Exhumation allows reconstruction of community's history.

Three of the prominent names buried in the cemetry

The graves have tales to tell too

The graves

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Google Sketch Up

The class was introduced to Google Sketch Up during their D&T lesson last Friday. Google Sketch Up is a free software that allows you to create 3D designs easily. It can be downloaded from this website Above are some of the designs that Faith did as part of their practice exercises. Have Fun !

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thank You for making today's session a success !

Dear Parents,

A big thank you to all parents / child who have participated in this morning’s blog training session and I hope you had fun.

It is very encouraging to see the parents and child helping one another during the session and I can see smiles across the IT Room =)

17 blogspots have been created during the 1.5 hour session and I am happy to list them out as follow :

1) Jeffrey Sim (Parent / 1N7)

2) Edros Ismail (Parent / 1E2)

3) Ronald Liew (Parent) & Remus Liew (Child / 2N4)
Ronald Liew

4) Anna Liew (Parent / 1E3)
Problem with account setup, will have a separate 1-1 session with Anna.

5) Sharifah (Parent) & Hamzah (Child / 1N7)

6) Marina (Parent/ 1E3)

7) Wahab

8) Kim Chng (Parent) & Cheryl Lian (Child / 3N5) Student helper
Kim Chng
Cheryl Lian (Student helper) blog created before session

9) Francyn Tan (Parent) & Mitchell Tan (Child / 3E3)
Francyn Tan
Mitchell Tan

10) Irene Ng (Parent 1N5)

11) Faith Ong (1N7 Student helper)

12) Yvonna (Parent/ 2E1)

13) Sutini (Parent) & Jerrrick Koh (Child/ 2E2)
Jerrick Koh

14) Serene Lim (Parent / 2E2)

Special thanks to Mr. Fathul, Mdm Safiatun, Mr Zul (Head of IT), Wahab, William Tan and the student helpers, Cheryl Lian, Faith Ong, Lim Sheng Fatt and Muhd Azzam for making this session a success !

Look forward to having the next session again after the Common Test 1 and in the meantime if you need any help, please drop me a note at

Have a nice weekend.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Parents, support school discipline

Maths Paper Topics & Format for Common Test 1

Maths Paper Topics & Format for Common Test 1

1) Chapter 1 of textbook
2) Workbook
3) Worksheets/Handouts /Assignments
4) Notes by teachers/ Own note-taking

Total of 10-12 short questions for this 50 mins paper

Many thanks to Ms Juliet Heng, Maths teacher for Sec 1N7 for providing this information.

D&T Class tomorrow

To bring :

Textbook & sketch book as usual

1 thumb drive
1 green file

Literature Common Test 1 Format

Literature :

Section A : Short Answer Questions
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Fill in the blanks

Section B : Passage-based questions (not like comprehension)

Section C : Characterisation

Information provided by Ms Sharifah during class today.

History Paper Topics and Format for Common Test I

Dear parents/students of 1N7

Topics for CT1 includes:
1) Chapter 1 - An introduction to History
2) Chapter 2 - Reconstructing the Past
3) Chapter 3 - Birth of Civilisations
4) Chapter 4 & 5 - only the sections on government and society of ancient India (pp. 50-53 & 66-69)

Format of paper is as follows:
Section A - MCQs
Section B - Questions with one sentence answers
Section C - Sequencing/Chronology
Section D - Source-based question

For any queries, do post it them here or conversely, you may contact me at 6443 0563 (ext 030).

Best regards
Mr Steven Teo
1N7 History teacher

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Busy Busy day for the class !

Homework for today (18 Feb) :

Chinese homework - read the newspaper articles on page 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 21 and complete the worksheet given, to be submitted on Friday. Si Zi to be submitted on Monday.

Literature homework - face to face workbook pg 9-12 Questions 2.1, 2.2. 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Class Test for tomorrow (19 Feb) :

1) History Test : Chapter 4 Government (MCQ and short questions)
Revised mindmap and textbook

2) Maths Test : 1.9 - 1.14 of Chapter 1 ie. Factors, Prime Numbers, Prime Factors, Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

Short Questions will be given for this class test

Topics covered for Science Common Test 1 (for Sec 1 NA classes)

Dear parents of Sec 1 NA classes,

Topics covered for their Science Common Test 1 include :

1) Chapter 1 & 2 of textbook

2) Theory Workbook

3) Practical Book

4) Worksheets/Handouts/Assignments

5) Notes by teachers / Own note-taking

Total marks for paper : 50

10 Multiple Choice Questions - 10 marks
7-8 open-ended questions - 4 -5 marks each

Many thanks to Mrs Alice Pang, science teacher for Sec 1N7 for providing this information.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Science Test on Friday 17 Feb

Please note that that will be a Science Test on Friday.

Topics tested :

Chapter 1 of textbook and all covered in theory workbook and practical book to-date.

Total marks : 25

10 Multiple Choice Questions - 10 marks
4 Open-ended questions - 15 marks

Thanks to Mrs Alice Pang, their science teacher for providing this information =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Common Test Time Table for Sec 1NA Students

Happy Valentine Day

Faith, Huda & Divya

Bonus raised up to $ 2 million !

Cost Cutting Measures


To: All Staff,

As you know, the realities of the downturn have hit home and I am forced to introduce the following cost-cutting measures to help shore up our beloved company. I know you will understand that the pain is temporary and the gains will be there for all of us to reap when the company comes through these difficult times stronger... and ready to ride the next big wave. So with immediate effect, all staff will be required to adhere to the following:

a. The cups on the two vending machines are to be recycled. Annabelle has already serialised them.

b. Sabbatical leave: Executives booked for New York will now go to Kukup in Johor Bahru instead. Senior executives can go further - up to Yong Peng.

c. Our chalet lease in Pulau Ubin has ended. However, as the management takes a keen interest in staff welfare, we have arranged with Francis (from Admin Dept) to rent out one of his rooms at Blk 923, Pasir Ris Drive. His flat was chosen for its proximity to the sea and you can still see Ubin from the window.

d. Entertainment claims: Staff will be required to go for a 30-min demonstration by Raj from Finance Dept, who will show you how to withdraw your credit card slowly from your wallet (58 secs), so that others at a business lunch will inadvertently beat you to it when the bill comes.

e. The Valentine's Day white chocolates (Deluxeur) which I gave out in January: Those of you who have yet to open the box, please return them expiry date: Dec 2009).

f. Monthly Best Employee Award : The $1000 cash award will now be replaced by a box of Deluxeur white chocolates.

g. Annual Best Employee Award : The 14-day Disneyland/Hawaii tour and solid gold Rolex Oyster watch will be replaced by TWO boxes of Deluxeur white chocolates.

h. Medical: The Oxfordshire-Hopkins Medical Group will no more be on our panel. Annabelle will give you the address of Hong Tong Hong Medical Hall in Sungei Road. Bring your company pass for a 10% discount.

i. Country Club Memberships : Senior executives must return their membership cards to Annabelle, who will then register your name with Bishan Community Centre.

j. Transport Allowance : No reduction of rate! However, it will be paid on alternate months.

k. Gifts for clients : New choices. The Bohemian Crystal list will be replaced by the one from 7-eleven.

l. Annual Dinner & Dance : No change (March 20, yay!), but the venue is switched from The Ritz-Carlton to the void deck of Annabelle's flat in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10.

m. Bonus : This time, staff welfare comes first! Instead of the usual amount, we raised it up to $2 million. Each employee will be given a Singapore Sweep ticket. The draw is on March 5.

From: Chief Financial Officer

~ Author unknown

Friday, February 13, 2009

Common Test One (26 Feb - 3 Mar)

Message from Mr. Fathul, HOD (Student Development)

Dear Parents,

The time-table for Common Test One is already out. CT1 starts on 26 Feb and ends on 3 Mar.

The duration of all papers is 50 mins.

There will be 2 papers each day. First paper starts 7.40 am till 8.30 am.

Normal lessons resume until 11.00 am. Students sit for second paper at 11.05 am.

All students have been issued with a copy of the time-table.

Should you have any enquiries on the common test, please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Georgina Hua, HOD Humanities: teo_yan_geok_ georgina@

Have a nice weekend

BVSS new website !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Mum Song

Happy Friendship Day

Faith brought this at the school canteen today for $8 =) and guess what you just had a sneak preview of the school's girl toilet .. haha

Scholar, Teacher or Role Model ? Guess who is in the picture =)

Teach for the love of the job

Get involved in school

REALITY: Behind every successful child is a super-involved parent.

For full article, please go to

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine !

No matter what happens ...

Enjoy this video =)

Homework for today 11 Feb

Chinese Homework : Read the above article and complete the worksheet.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

School Events (Jan - Mar 09)

Today is the Total Defence Day ! Dates of Common Test 1 is already out. Will update the information on this blog when it is received by the class tomorrow.

Anyone can blog too !

Hi all,

Some parents have expressed their interest to learn how to create a blogspot for their class during the PSG meeting last Saturday.

I would like to conduct a hands-on session on the 21 Feb (Sat)starting from 10am to 11.30am. Mr. Fathul Raham, Head Of Department(Student Development) has kindly agreed to let us use the IT Room for this purpose.

All parents who are interested in this hands-on session are most welcome to bring their children (in BVSS). My daughter, Faith has agreed to help out at the session as she is familiar with the creation of blogspot too. Let's make this a parent-child bonding session as well =)

I have found a tutorial video in youtube showing the steps to create a blogspot and the link is :

I am in the midst of preparing a step-by-step instructions in powerpoint slides and will post the file to this forum when it is ready.

Handouts will be provided on 21 Feb.For those parent/child who is familiar with the creation of blogspot and available on the 21 Feb, I sincerely hope that you can come to help out in this participative session.

Would greatly appreciate if you can reconfirm your interest by replying to the PSG forum thread or e-mail to or simply by leaving a message in the tagboard !


Monday, February 9, 2009

Homework for today (9 Feb)

Pls remember to complete your Maths homework.

Malay students will have to bring a novel and photocopy the book cover of the novel.

Chinese Zodiac

Click on your Chinese zodiac sign or birth year below and have a peek at your fortune: Career, Money, Love and Health in 2009, the year of Ox.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mathematics homework

Hi Everybody!

Remember your children's Mathematics homework to be passed up on Monday 9th February.


Homework : Art & History

Have you completed your art & history homework ?

Art : Faith's homework as shown =)

History : Civilisation

Credits to Faith for the new border for this blogspot =)

Committee members Y2009

In Class order : Edros Ismail (1E2), Marina Ma (1E3), Yusoff Mohd (1N6), Sharifah Riguan (1N7), Jamilah Abdullah (1T8), Mik Mulliah (1T8), Ramesh Vasnani (2E1), Susan Sein, (2E1), Yong Ying Ping (2E1), Serene Lim (2E2), Tan Wei Cheng (2E2), Lily Teng (2N4), Magdeline Tan (2N4), Christina Ng (3E3), Jane Wu (3E3), Andy Wee (3E4), Kim Chng (3N5)

The lovely committee members

Y2009 Committee Members List

Edros Ismail (1E2), Marina Ma (1E3), Yusoff Mohd (1N6), Sharifah Riguan (1N7), Jamilah Abdullah (1T8), Mik Mulliah (1T8), Ramesh Vasnani (2E1), Susan Sein, (2E1), Yong Ying Ping (2E1), Serene Lim (2E2), Tan Wei Cheng (2E2), Lily Teng (2N4), Magdeline Tan (2N4), Christina Ng (3E3), Jane Wu (3E3), Andy Wee (3E4), Kim Chng (3N5)

Chairman : William Tan
Vice-chairman (membership) : Abdul Wahab
Vice-chairman (communication) : Fatimah Gous
Vice-chairman (social) : Francyn Tan
Secretary : Joanne Teo

Parent Volunteer Form for School Activities

For those who have forgotten to submit the form or need more time to plan your commitment, please fax the form to 6449 4286. Alternatively, you can e-mail your interest to me at or call me at 92327327 for a copy of the form.

School Family Education (SFE) Service Provider

From En Community : Shelly Tay, Janet Wong, Ong Hui Hui, Joi Tan

Exco members 2008

From Left : Safiah, Francyn, Lily, Christina, Fatimah, William, Ramesh, Wahab, Mr. Boo

PSG Meeting today (7 Feb)

A picture tells a thousand words so I shall upload the pictures that I have taken during the PSG meeting today first ! Exco members 2008

Thursday, February 5, 2009

PSG AGM - Sat 7 Feb, 9.30am - 11.30am, BVSS Library

Message from William : Change of venue for PSG AGM

Dear Parents,

Please note that the venue for the PSG AGM has been changed from D&T Room to Library.All other details remain unchanged.

Date: Sat 7 Feb 2009
Venue: BVSS Library
Time: 9.30 am to 11.30 am

Warm Regards,

Time to seek the other 5Cs

Special-needs officers in school

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Art Folio and drawings

Remember to bring your art folio and drawings for art lesson tomorrow =)

Faith's art folio & drawing as above.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Have you read your book today ?

Went to Plaza Singapura with Faith last Friday and was given some preview pages of "I Believe You" by a promoter.

I find the story very interesting and humourous. Faith is reading the preview pages now and I can hear her giggling. Will get a copy tomorrow at Plaza Singapura. Will pass the book around the class when Faith finish reading the book =)

There are many other books written by the same author and you can find some preview pages from :

Happy reading !

Few things for today

1) Purchase of English Grammar & Compre book - Please bring $3.15 on 4/2/09

2) Submit the withdrawal of funds from Edusave account reply form to FT tomorrow.

3) Chinese homework - copy the passage "Wo"

4) Malay homework - Sharifah to elaborate

5) Design cover for English file

6) Bring your themometer for temperature taking exercise tomorrow.

That's all =)

PSG AGM 2009

Extract from William Tan's e-mail to all PSG members :

PSG Meeting

Date: Saturday 7 February 2009
Venue: Design & Technology Room
Time: 9.30 am to 11.30 am

Programme Highlights:

Welcome Speech by Principal, BVSS

Review of Past Year’s Activities by Chairman, PSG

SFE – new role in providing Parenting Events in schools by William Tan

Parenting Events 2009 by William Tan

Invitation for Parent Volunteers in Activities 2009 by Fathul Rahman

Social Activities for parents & students by Francyn Tan

PSG Elections

Any Other Matters

Monday, February 2, 2009

Student Exchange Programme with Zhengzhou, China

All Sec 1 to Sec 3 students are invited to participate in the student exchange programme with Zhengzhou, Chiina and given a information sheet and reply slip for immersion trip to ZhengZhou, China. The trip is tenatively scheduled for 11 March (Wed) to 20 Mar 2008 (Fri). The trip's cost of $800 can be paid by Edusave account or cash/cheque.

Please fill up the attached reply slip and return to your child's Chinese Language teacher by 3 Feb 09 (Wed).
Programme Outline :
Day 1 11 March (Wed) Sin/Beijing/Zhengzhou
Day 2 12 March (Thu) Zhengzhou
Day 3 13 March (Fri) ZhengZhou
Day 4 14 March (Sat) ZhengZhou/DengFeng/ZhengZhou
Day 5 15 March (Sun) ZhengZhou/LuoYang/ZhengZhou
Day 6 16 March (Mon) ZhengZhou Experiential Learning Campsite
Day 7 17 March (Tue) Zhengzhou Experiential Campsite
Day 8 18 March (Wed) ZhengZhou / Beijing
Day 9 19 March (Thu) Beijing
Day 10 20 March (fri) Beijing / Singapore

Detailed information and programme list can be found in the letter issued to all Sec 1 to Sec 3 students dated 30 Jan from the principal.

Information on zhengzhou can be found at :

Maths Test tomorrow (2 Feb) and please bring your calculator

Just a reminder that there will be a Maths test tomorrow and remember to bring your calculator to school.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fund Raising through Student Advisory Group

Went to Tampines MRT station with Faith today and saw a group of upper secondary school students of Bedok View helping with the fund raising for the Financial Assistance Scheme =)

Well done students =)

And a reminder to the class, please bring your thermometer to school from 2 - 5 Feb.