Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Topics covered for Science Common Test 1 (for Sec 1 NA classes)

Dear parents of Sec 1 NA classes,

Topics covered for their Science Common Test 1 include :

1) Chapter 1 & 2 of textbook

2) Theory Workbook

3) Practical Book

4) Worksheets/Handouts/Assignments

5) Notes by teachers / Own note-taking

Total marks for paper : 50

10 Multiple Choice Questions - 10 marks
7-8 open-ended questions - 4 -5 marks each

Many thanks to Mrs Alice Pang, science teacher for Sec 1N7 for providing this information.

1 comment:

  1. Dear parents,

    It is really heartening to see many of you here and being so concerned about your child's progress at school. For you information, there will also be a class test for History tomorrow (20 Feb). Topic being covered is Government and Society in Ancient India (Chapter 4 & 5, but only the parts on India). The test will consists of MCQs, short answer questions, matching of terms to definitions and a simple source based question.
