Hi all,
Some parents have expressed their interest to learn how to create a blogspot for their class during the PSG meeting last Saturday.
I would like to conduct a hands-on session on the 21 Feb (Sat)starting from 10am to 11.30am. Mr. Fathul Raham, Head Of Department(Student Development) has kindly agreed to let us use the IT Room for this purpose.
All parents who are interested in this hands-on session are most welcome to bring their children (in BVSS). My daughter, Faith has agreed to help out at the session as she is familiar with the creation of blogspot too. Let's make this a parent-child bonding session as well =)
I have found a tutorial video in youtube showing the steps to create a blogspot and the link is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnploFsS_tY
I am in the midst of preparing a step-by-step instructions in powerpoint slides and will post the file to this forum when it is ready.
Handouts will be provided on 21 Feb.For those parent/child who is familiar with the creation of blogspot and available on the 21 Feb, I sincerely hope that you can come to help out in this participative session.
Would greatly appreciate if you can reconfirm your interest by replying to the PSG forum thread or e-mail to joanneteo@hotmail.com or simply by leaving a message in the tagboard !
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