The students were given a project work for CME today and the class are divided into a group of 5 (ie. Divya, Faith, Huda, Stanley & Patrick). Faith told me that they are supposed to make a salad ? (not sure about it ;p)
Please note that the class will be having their common test 1 tomorrow. They will also be having their class test for literature.
A Re-cap of the common test 1 for tomorrow :
The duration of all papers is 50 mins.
There will be 2 papers each day. First paper starts 7.40 am till 8.30 am.
Normal lessons resume until 11.00 am. Students sit for second paper at 11.05 am.
1) English (0740-0830 am) Go to Room C3-02
2) History (1105 - 1155 am) Go to Room C3-02
Topics for CT1 includes:
1) Chapter 1 - An introduction to History
2) Chapter 2 - Reconstructing the Past
3) Chapter 3 - Birth of Civilisations
4) Chapter 4 & 5 - only the sections on government and society of ancient India (pp. 50-53 & 66-69)
Format of paper is as follows:
Section A - MCQs
Section B - Questions with one sentence answers
Section C - Sequencing/Chronology
Section D - Source-based question
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