Thursday, March 19, 2009

English assignments during the holidays

1. Composition of a Narrative (Story)
The available topics are as follows :
a) Write a story starting with "It was a fine sunny day ..."

b) A memorable trip

c) The King and the Lion

d) Choose a suitable story of your choice (check with Mr. Steven Teo if you are not sure)

Write between 200-300 words. Use the structure of a narrative you have learnt. Remember they are :

- Orientation / Introduction - 1 paragraph
- Complication / Problem / Trigger - 1 paragraph
- Sequence of Events - 2 to 4 paragraphs
- Resolution / Conclusion - 1 paragraphs
- Coda / Moral (Optional) - 1 paragraph

2. Mastering English Practice (pp. 1 - 10)

3. Online Assessment ( Tenses

4. Worksheet on Past Tenses (The Ramayana Story)

Lastly, try to have some fun during the holidays !

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