Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life is full of twists and turns. There is always hope =)

Extracted from an article in the Straits Times today. Full article as posted below.

" Parents should try and set aside regular time, say, over meals, to talk to them or even just be with them. Such moments may present opportunities for them to open up.

The first step for the caregivers is to be aware of the situation while trying to pre-judge them.

Even when we are unsure of what to do and the situation becomes a crisis, all is not lost. Despite their rage, resentment and feelings of being misunderstood, these young people usually still REALISE THAT PARENTS DO CARE.

Even children placed by parents in compulsory counselling in programmes such as beyond Parental Control do come around.

With the many changes in the education system and the proliferation of private education, there are many more opportunities for all our youths to reach their goals, unlike the limited standard education paths that we had in our school days a few decades ago.

Life is full of twists and turns. Parents may sometimes just have to hang in there and just be there if their children are not yet ready to listen. People do change, just as we do, although some just take longer. THere is always HOPE. "

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