Sunday, March 8, 2009

Secondary One Literature Enrichment Programme 23 March (Mon) 2.30 to 5.30pm

This year, the Literature Department has organized an enrichment activity for the Secondary One pupils. The students will be studying Poetry in Term 2. Therefore this workshop, conducted by Word Forward, aims to bring poetry to young people in an accessibly relevant and life-transforming way using Poetry Siam.

It is a fabulous platform for students to express themselves creatively and to become more confident and enthusiatic about Literature. Students can expect 3 hours packed with challenging new ideas, performances and a contest !

What can students expect from the workshop ?

- Develops confidence and interest in Literature
- Activities are fun, physical, social and hands-on
- Speed Poetry Writing
- Choral Presentation Skills

The details of the workshop are as follows:

Classes 1N5 - 1N7
Title : Poetry Slam Workshop
Date : 23 March (Monday)
Venue : Auditorium
Time : 2.30pm to 5.30pm

Cost : $7.80 (after 60% subsidy) which can be deducted from your child's Edusave account or be piad in cash. Please note that pupils not eligible for Edusave deducation must pay cash. The deduction will be made during the Mass Deduction Exercise in term 2.

Please sign the attached Acknowledgment Forms, and submit to the Form Teacher by 11 March 2009 (Wednesday).

Please note that the Enrichment programme is compulsory. No refund will be given to the students who fail to turn up for the Enrichment programme.

Should you have any queries, please call me at 6443 0563 Ext 011

Ms Sharifah

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